March 16, 2010

A + + +

Trevor completed his very first book report and went to bed on Thursday night with it tucked away in his backpack and ran back downstairs to tell me a few minutes later that he REALLY hopes that he gets his first A+.  I emailed his (awesome!!) teacher to let her know that I had typed his report (verbatim) and what he had shared about his very first A+.  When I went to see him for the Hoedown the next afternoon, he had this to show me:
He was SOOOO excited!  (So was I!)  He did a fantastic job and really elaborated on each question that was given.  Typing was a great idea (Thanks Melinda!!) and gave him the opportunity to work on the content  rather than the actual writing with a pencil.  I took him to show his Kinder teacher, Mr. Whitfield, who was super proud of him and then he ran to see his pal, Mrs. Goldfine.  On the way to recess, we saw Mrs. Jezisek and she also jumped up and down and read thru the report with him.  It was so fun to have everyone also make a huge deal out of it for him, he is so motivated to keep writing "A +++ reports", it's awesome! 

He talked about it all afternoon after he got home from school on Friday and is  still talking about it today, days later. 

While we were at Pump It Up today, he was having a BLAST with Sam and I asked him if he felt happy inside and he told me that he felt just like when he got his "A-plus-plus-plus"... that may be our new standard of happiness for awhile hehe :)

We are so blessed to have such a perfect teacher for him this year, she is fantastic and loves him as much as we do (and he loves her!!).

Here are some fun pictures from the celebration: 

Here's Trev with his awesome teacher, Mrs. Alsbrooks

Here he is with Mr. Whitfield, his Kinder teacher.

This last shot is a pic of Aunt, Trev and Gramps, who were still there from the Hoedown and were able to see his awesome report!

 Way to go Buddy!!! We are so proud of you!!!
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