March 27, 2010

4th Grade Field Trip!

The 4th grade went to the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum this week!  Everyone around the bottom of the star is Katelynne's 4th grade class with their teacher.

Here is Katelynne's group!  Katelynne is holding the little slip of paper that has me listed as their chaperone and who is in the group. They each made a little booklet that had questions to answer throughout the museum that they filled out before & after watching a movie on "The Story of Texas".  The museum is filled with lots of reading and is not an interactive museum but lots of learning was going on :)
Here are the girls after lunch, they ate under the awnings behind them and if you look in between Audrey and Katelynne (2 middle), you might be able to see the top of the Capitol dome. They (and we!) learned at lunch that The Goddess of Liberty was replaced a few years ago to extend a few feet so that Texas would be taller than D.C. - Go Texas Pride :}

Here are the girls with one of their chaperones after we are done!

This is Katelynne and Audrey's shared pet. They take him everywhere.

This is the other chaperone - Aunt came!!  

Thanks for enjoying us there Katelynne, we love you!!

Roses Is Red.....

Katelynne, holding the finished product, at Fedex where we shipped it off :)

Daddy's good friend (and partner at work) had back surgery so we put together a care package to send him while he recovered. It was really fun to put together as a family. The primary reason for this post though is Trevor's first poem that I wanted to remember:
 "Roses is red. Violets are blue. I love you. Love, Trevor
 Katelynne wrote a great card with a sweet letter too (You can see them in the photo collage, just click to enlarge)  
Great job guys!!
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March 21, 2010

Pump It... UP!

Katelynne and Trevor had tons of fun with Sam and Natalie at Pump It Up! Katelynne left with a sprained wrist (that is doing great now) and Trevor still has a scab from rub-burns but they are just badges of a fun spring break :) They had so much fun and can't wait to go again, thanks Aunt!!

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March 17, 2010

Square Dancin' Cowboy Trevor

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March 16, 2010

A + + +

Trevor completed his very first book report and went to bed on Thursday night with it tucked away in his backpack and ran back downstairs to tell me a few minutes later that he REALLY hopes that he gets his first A+.  I emailed his (awesome!!) teacher to let her know that I had typed his report (verbatim) and what he had shared about his very first A+.  When I went to see him for the Hoedown the next afternoon, he had this to show me:
He was SOOOO excited!  (So was I!)  He did a fantastic job and really elaborated on each question that was given.  Typing was a great idea (Thanks Melinda!!) and gave him the opportunity to work on the content  rather than the actual writing with a pencil.  I took him to show his Kinder teacher, Mr. Whitfield, who was super proud of him and then he ran to see his pal, Mrs. Goldfine.  On the way to recess, we saw Mrs. Jezisek and she also jumped up and down and read thru the report with him.  It was so fun to have everyone also make a huge deal out of it for him, he is so motivated to keep writing "A +++ reports", it's awesome! 

He talked about it all afternoon after he got home from school on Friday and is  still talking about it today, days later. 

While we were at Pump It Up today, he was having a BLAST with Sam and I asked him if he felt happy inside and he told me that he felt just like when he got his "A-plus-plus-plus"... that may be our new standard of happiness for awhile hehe :)

We are so blessed to have such a perfect teacher for him this year, she is fantastic and loves him as much as we do (and he loves her!!).

Here are some fun pictures from the celebration: 

Here's Trev with his awesome teacher, Mrs. Alsbrooks

Here he is with Mr. Whitfield, his Kinder teacher.

This last shot is a pic of Aunt, Trev and Gramps, who were still there from the Hoedown and were able to see his awesome report!

 Way to go Buddy!!! We are so proud of you!!!
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March 14, 2010

Spring Soccer!

Soccer Season is in full kick!
 Katelynne's team name this season are the (Green Apple) Jolly Ranchers :) For the first time in a few years they don't have red uniforms and Coach Andy was able to get a fun Kelly Green color. 

The girls are having fun together in their last season together after so many years. Next year most of the girls will move to  Select (Club) Soccer and since they have to try out for that and are placed according to skill level, they won't all be on the same team again. It's been a FUN few years with a fantastic group of girls from all over the city and different schools and the best coach who is so kind to the girls and coaches with positive reinforcement - we lucked out big time when we were placed on the team the very first season that she played!
Thanks to Gramps, Grandma Mary and Grandpa Willie for driving up for the big game on Saturday!
The girls loved "winning" their zero minute game due to forfeit but it was still really fun to see everyone on such a beautiful spring day!
Go Jolly Ranchers!!!


Sam and Nat came over and got to spend the night on the pull out couch, which was very exciting! 

They loved it and thought it was REALLY fun to get to sleep on such a cool bed!  Trevor joined in the fun for the last picture (he usually sleeps with Woody or Buzz but ran to find a stuffed animal because he wanted to be just like his cousins) :)

Thanks for coming over, we love you!!

Friendship Bracelets!

Katelynne was able to host her friends from church for Activity Day girls for the Friendship Bracelet activity! Kassadi's Mom came to help too (Thanks Chelon!!) 

I remember making them and using safety pins to pin it to my jeans but I wasn't sure how that would work for them so I tried tape on the tile floor.  We used tie-dyed duct tape :)
The girls seemed to have a lot of fun and some of them were able to make more than one!
I love that everything that we loved as kids is coming back 'in style' - go 80's! :)

March 13, 2010

Katelynne had her Writers Camp at school the week before the TAKS test and she really loved it!  There were tents put up in her classroom and they "camped" out all week. On Friday afternoon, parents were invited to come and listen to the stories that the students in class had worked on all week. You can see a picture below of the tents and how they turned the classroom into a campground for the week.
Katelynne wrote about when Tyson, our boston terrier, died a few years ago (he was 13). I'm so proud of her sharing how she felt that day and writing such a beautiful story! She's a fantastic writer who has always given lots of 'sparkle words' to keep you engaged throughout the story.

Here are some photos of Katelynne's friends in her class, presenting their stories:
At the end of the presentations, everyone had s'mores!

I'm so glad that I got to spend some time at the school with Katelynne for a fun activity!

Lego Fun

Trevor loves to play with his friend J.D.   Because someone at our house has been sick for the past 6 weeks (!), it's taken awhile to be able to have J.D. over to play lately so they were very excited to get together. They've had big plans to pull out the Star Wars stuff and make a movie for youtube. 

 They pulled out almost all of Trevor's Lego supplies out of his drawer in the built-ins that we have downstairs dedicated to just legos :) and had fun building fun things for Lego Star Wars and taking tons of pictures for the movie that J.D. is putting together.
They had a snack of cookies and fruit smoothies and even kept the snack right by them while they worked on legos so that they didn't miss anytime working on their video project.  All of that stuff around them are little tiny legos and boxes of more legos.  I don't know how Trevor manages to pick up every single lego when he pulls it all out but he usually does (they are so tiny!!).
Thanks for another fun day J.D., we can't wait to see the Star Wars Lego video! :)

Science Fair!

Trevor and Mommy went to the Science Fair to see Katelynne and Audrey's project because Katelynne was home sick with the flu with Daddy.  {Trevor and I came down with the flu the flu 2 days later}

You can see the red ribbons hanging on their project behind Buddy, they got 2nd Place for their project!!  Their project was "Does Active Breath Take Dog's Breath Away". They found that active play does take their stinky breath away (who knew?) :)
Mostly though, they had a lot of fun playing with the dogs and putting their project together. Way to go!!

Cowboy Trevor

Happy Texas Day!  It was the Hoedown at school and Buddy had a ton of fun!!!! Look at that handsome cowboy!