April 25, 2010

Katelynne's 1st Cast

Katelynne got her first cast this past Friday!
We went in for her 2 week follow-up with the air-cast from hurting her foot at soccer practice - they took additional x-rays to see how it was healing and decided a cast for the next 3 weeks would be best so that it could stay perfectly still and heal correctly.
Katelynne was THRILLED! Her air-cast couldn't be signed and so she was extremely happy to have something that her friends could sign. (That's why she's smiling in these pictures - her foot still does hurt, despite the smiling) :)

Here she is heading off to x-rays.

She's started bringing her laptop to doctor appointments because it takes a long time and she wants something to do while we wait.

Here she is getting her cast on. This part is the cushioning to protect her heel while she walks with the walking boot.

All set and ready for signatures!
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April 8, 2010

Pfun Pfishing in Pflugerville with Pfamily

These guys were put to good use on a fun morning fishing trip with the crew!  

Gramps was awesome and helped the grandkids (and big kids!) with everything from fixing poles to putting the worms on the hooks (ew)!  Thanks Gramps!

Everyone had a great time even though we were only able to catch one. Thank goodness we were only doing catch and release. 

{Trev and Nat} 
Sam and Trev, fishing

We spent a lot of time on the little dock and nearby rocks.  It's a great local park with fun little docks for fishing fun -   We can't wait to go back again!

Hoppy Easter!

The Easter Bunny gets water and lettuce and a carrot - this year he tried a yellow bell pepper :)

He brought some super fun games (Banangrams and Star Wars Trouble) and new swim suits. We love the Easter Bunny :)

It was really fun to dye eggs - it's also fun to see the adults get even more into it than the kids do!

We were invited to a friends house for an egg hunt - everyone had a ton of fun and time with friends is always great!

Trevor went around looking for eggs in the motorized jeep with Bivy, only stopping to gather eggs when he saw one. :)

We also had an egg hunt the next afternoon with Gramps and the Workman Cousins in our front yard.  

PS Every night this week, Mommy & Daddy have been staying up playing Star Wars Trouble when the kids go to bed. 

Springtime in Texas

We got to soccer practice about 15 minutes earlier than the team so we took the chance to grab a few impromptu photos in the bluebonnets.  Katelynne & Trevor loved having Chloe and Bootsie with us for most of the shots. It was fun trying to get everyone to look at me :)  Overall though, a lot of fun - and funny!  The backdrop for Old Settlers Park was lovely.

Trevor may or may not of picked some bouquets...

Chloe posed beautifully...

Boots was much more interested in what Trevor was doing and would freak out if he walked away (as usual) :)

Happy Spring from Round Rock!


Trevor is having a blast catching all of the caterpillars that are chowing down on the plants and trees right now!  Can you see the giant one he found with Trey last night in the backyard?

Trevor created a habitat for them in a giant tub and got to take it to school today for show n' tell - he was very, VERY excited :)

March 27, 2010

4th Grade Field Trip!

The 4th grade went to the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum this week!  Everyone around the bottom of the star is Katelynne's 4th grade class with their teacher.

Here is Katelynne's group!  Katelynne is holding the little slip of paper that has me listed as their chaperone and who is in the group. They each made a little booklet that had questions to answer throughout the museum that they filled out before & after watching a movie on "The Story of Texas".  The museum is filled with lots of reading and is not an interactive museum but lots of learning was going on :)
Here are the girls after lunch, they ate under the awnings behind them and if you look in between Audrey and Katelynne (2 middle), you might be able to see the top of the Capitol dome. They (and we!) learned at lunch that The Goddess of Liberty was replaced a few years ago to extend a few feet so that Texas would be taller than D.C. - Go Texas Pride :}

Here are the girls with one of their chaperones after we are done!

This is Katelynne and Audrey's shared pet. They take him everywhere.

This is the other chaperone - Aunt came!!  

Thanks for enjoying us there Katelynne, we love you!!

Roses Is Red.....

Katelynne, holding the finished product, at Fedex where we shipped it off :)

Daddy's good friend (and partner at work) had back surgery so we put together a care package to send him while he recovered. It was really fun to put together as a family. The primary reason for this post though is Trevor's first poem that I wanted to remember:
 "Roses is red. Violets are blue. I love you. Love, Trevor
 Katelynne wrote a great card with a sweet letter too (You can see them in the photo collage, just click to enlarge)  
Great job guys!!
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March 21, 2010

Pump It... UP!

Katelynne and Trevor had tons of fun with Sam and Natalie at Pump It Up! Katelynne left with a sprained wrist (that is doing great now) and Trevor still has a scab from rub-burns but they are just badges of a fun spring break :) They had so much fun and can't wait to go again, thanks Aunt!!

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March 17, 2010

Square Dancin' Cowboy Trevor

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March 16, 2010

A + + +

Trevor completed his very first book report and went to bed on Thursday night with it tucked away in his backpack and ran back downstairs to tell me a few minutes later that he REALLY hopes that he gets his first A+.  I emailed his (awesome!!) teacher to let her know that I had typed his report (verbatim) and what he had shared about his very first A+.  When I went to see him for the Hoedown the next afternoon, he had this to show me:
He was SOOOO excited!  (So was I!)  He did a fantastic job and really elaborated on each question that was given.  Typing was a great idea (Thanks Melinda!!) and gave him the opportunity to work on the content  rather than the actual writing with a pencil.  I took him to show his Kinder teacher, Mr. Whitfield, who was super proud of him and then he ran to see his pal, Mrs. Goldfine.  On the way to recess, we saw Mrs. Jezisek and she also jumped up and down and read thru the report with him.  It was so fun to have everyone also make a huge deal out of it for him, he is so motivated to keep writing "A +++ reports", it's awesome! 

He talked about it all afternoon after he got home from school on Friday and is  still talking about it today, days later. 

While we were at Pump It Up today, he was having a BLAST with Sam and I asked him if he felt happy inside and he told me that he felt just like when he got his "A-plus-plus-plus"... that may be our new standard of happiness for awhile hehe :)

We are so blessed to have such a perfect teacher for him this year, she is fantastic and loves him as much as we do (and he loves her!!).

Here are some fun pictures from the celebration: 

Here's Trev with his awesome teacher, Mrs. Alsbrooks

Here he is with Mr. Whitfield, his Kinder teacher.

This last shot is a pic of Aunt, Trev and Gramps, who were still there from the Hoedown and were able to see his awesome report!

 Way to go Buddy!!! We are so proud of you!!!
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